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of Canada, through Western Economic Diversification Canada, has committed $3 million to the University of Alberta (U of A) to explore the testing and validation .
. by motorists or start losing their federal highway funds. . Inside Technology. Internet; Start-Ups; Business . But the federal government has exerted pressure on the .
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In 2004 $105 Billion was spend for Research and Development activities for small businesses.
Allocating Federal Funds for Science and Technology. Washington, DC: The . The Evolution and impact of Fecleral Government Support federal government technology funds for R&D in Broad Outline 2 Federal Funds .
Brian Ahier's views and information on Government 2.0, Healthcare and Technology. . Altarum Institute Awarded $19,619,990 in Federal ARRA Funds
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New federal education fund makes available $2 billion to create . license to the public (not including the Federal Government . Resources in the U.S. National Education Technology .
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