draught; drafting; draughts; draft beer; draught-horse; draft board . Her brother was drafted into military service.
. Doug dug douse dowse doused dowsed douses dowses dousing dowsing draft draught drafted draughted drafting draughting drafts draughts .
draught; drafting; draughts; draft beer; draught-horse; draft board . Her brother was drafted into military service.
a an aardvark aardvarks aback abacus abaci, abacuses abaft abalone abalones abandon abandoned, abandoning, abandons abandonment abase abased, abases, abasing
. drafted draftee draftees drafter drafters draftier draftiest draftily draftiness draftinesses drafting draftings drafts draftsman draftsmanship draftsmanships . draughting draughtman draughtmen .
. drafted draftee draftees drafter drafters draftier draftiest draftily draftiness . draught draughted draughtier draughtiest draughting draughts .
drafted-triathlon: Drafted: draftee's: Draftee: Draftees: drafter's: drafter: drafters . draught: draughted: draughtes: Draughting: draughtman's .
. drafted, draftee, draftees, drafter, drafters, draftier, draftiest, draftily, drafting, draftings, drafts . draught, draughted, draughtier, draughtiest, draughting, draughts .
drafts drafted drafting 2. * draught. draughts draughted draughting 3. left. lefts heft hefty 4. theft thefts bereft heftier 5. eat eats ate/eaten eating
d. d . d' d-d/a. da. dab. dabbed. dabber. dabbers. dabbing. dabble. dabbled. dabbler. dabblers.
drafted, drafting, drafts, draught, draughted, draughting, draughts -> [draughts]
dabbles. dabbling. drafted, drafting, drafts, draught, draughted, draughting, draughts -> [draughts] dabblings. dabchick. dabchicks. dab hand. dabhand. dabrowa .
AVKO's Sequential Spelling program utilizes the word family approach to teach spelling and reading skills. This supplement gives you the corresponding pages to The Patterns of .
draught; drafting; draughts; draft beer; draught-horse; draft board . Her brother was drafted into military service.
. drafted, draftee, draftees, drafter, drafters, draftier, draftiest, draftily, drafting, draftings, drafts . draught. draughted, draughtier, draughtiest, draughting, draughts .
draught [entry 4, British] | draughts . drafts [plural] | draughts [plural] | draughted [past tense] | drafted [past tense] | draughting [present participle] | drafting [present .
. drafted draftee draftees drafter drafters draftier draftiest draftily draftiness . draught draughted draughtier draughtiest draughting draughts .
v. draft�ed, draft�ing, drafts. v.tr. 1. To select from a group for some usually compulsory service: drafted into the army. . [Middle English draught, act of drawing or pulling .
draft draught drafted draughted
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