No, smokeless tobacco does not contain fiberglass or any other additives meant to "tear or rip" the mucosa (lining of the
mouth) to allow for nicotine to be absorbed .
Does Carmex brand lip balm contain fiberglass? If you have a blister on your lip would u use carm. Carmex Lip Balm? Is it good for lips? Does carmex lip balm .
Do menthol cigarettes contain fiberglass? does carmex have fiberglass in it . detail of life isn't in dispute, but rather than accept it, some Carmex users .
Does Carmex brand lip balm contain
does carmex have fiberglass in it
fiberglass? Does Carmex lip balm have fiberglass in it? Carmex lip balm. has anyone used it. is it reall. Carmex lip balm .
Another rumor is that we grind up fiber glass and put that in." At 36 . "Carmex? Ooooh. Can I Have Some?" The Houston Chronicle. 12 June 1993 (p 5).
I have used Carmex on and off for a long time. I am definitely switching to . MYTH: Carmex contains ground up fiberglass. Again, all the ingredients in Carmex are listed on .
Best Answer: go to that web site and it has the answeres to all the myths about carmex . i dunno.. . Urban legend. The only "harmful .
Carmex is the third-largest selling lip balm in the country (WOW!)I wanted to get . into their product, and they acknowledge the rumor that they put ground fiber glass .
Better yet, does anyone have the straight dope on whether or not carmex is really bad for the chops? . menthol cigarettes crystalizing your lungs with fiberglass .
. you for your question regarding the rumor that you
I am wondering about the fiberglass myth; it seems there's not really any confirmation either way -- is there really fiberglass in carmex?
Does carmex brand lip moisturizer have glass shards in it? The KGB Agent answer: Nope! . Is there fiber glass in carmex
There's an old urban legend that states that the makers of lip balm (Carmex, specifically), add ground-up fiberglass to their product. The glass irritates people's .
yes it does its a proven fact that carmex has the element
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